Innovating a Strong
Foundation for the Future

2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR
Registration now available! Go to the "Register" tab to start the enrollment process.
- All new and returning students registering for aftercare services must complete the online registration form and submit along with one time per family registration fee of $75 plus first session tuition fee. - Both registration and session fees are what secures your child’s seat in our program. SEATS ARE LIMITED, Register as soon as possible!
- Please go to the "REGISTER' tab and fill out the complete form. - "Enrollment Start Date" is the date your child will start in the program. - "Password field" don't forget to include it. - Payment information and payment schedule can be found on our "Make a Payment" tab on the right column. - All Payments are Non-Refundable. - Visit our "CONTACT US" tab to find your respective campus Managers' email for any questions.
Summer Camp 2025 Now Available
We implement STEAM & SPARK Curriculum
STEAM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math. Students collaborate on a series of projects and lesson plans where S.T.E.A.M concepts are combined in a design of a particular project.
SPARK - Sport, Play & Active Recreation for Kids which is designated to promote high levels of physical activity among students through movement.
Students are supervised by experienced and state certified counselors that provide age appropriate activities and learning opportunities. Our after school counselors and supervisors work directly with school staff to reinforce the positive and respectful behaviors practiced during the school day.
This innovative program provides students with a structured, safe and positive environment for after school hours. More than just a place to go after school, students enrolled in the program are provided a variety of activities designed to engage imagination, support their academic growth, and enhance motor and social skills.
Our program is design to teach, challenge, motivate and excite our students by keeping them active and provide self-discovery and hand on experiences.
We provide a year-round program which includes day, winter, spring and summer camps.
The After School Program operates every school day including early release days.
Register Your Child Today